Kai, Brain Tumor
Kai’s mom remembers the days before his diagnosis with total clarity. Her son had an unrelenting headache for a staggering nine days, so blinded by the pain that he couldn’t leave his darkened bedroom. After several trips to see the doctor, with recommendations to let his “virus” play out, Kai told her that he couldn’t “take the pain anymore” and off to the hospital they went.
Within 90 minutes he was diagnosed with life-threatening hydrocephalus, a collection of fluid on the brain. An MRI showed a tumor on the Pineal Gland, and doctors said that the hospital trip had saved his life; he wouldn’t have lasted another 24 hours. Kai had emergency surgery to reroute the fluid, which was a success. He was monitored for the next three months with MRIs, which revealed that the tumor had not grown or changed.
He will continue to face challenges, but nothing can dull Kai’s smile. He dances – literally dances! – his way through stressful times and he can turn any negative situation into a positive one. During one memorable incident, a nurse attempted to put in an IV three times, before Kai put his hand on hers and said, “Take a deep breath and try again, you’ll get it. Don’t worry about hurting me. I’m fine.” The nurse welled up with tears, tried again – and got it in. Kai cheered and gave her a high five.