On Saturday, October 15th and Sunday, October 16th, a crew will be on-site to seal/stripe the ramp up to the 3rd level as well as the 3rd level deck. The following weekend (October 22nd and 23rd) they will do the 4th level. On both weekends, BOTH levels will be closed and will re-open on Monday morning. However, the first and second levels of the parking garage will remain open throughout the sealing and striping process and will be available for patient, visitor and employee parking.
Samaritan Adds Breakthrough MRI System
Fast scans. Exceptional comfort. Unmatched quality.
Has your doctor ever recommended that you get an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) exam? Or are you simply curious about this safe imaging test?
There’s no better place to schedule an MRI exam than Samaritan Medical Center. That’s because we now have the Philips Ingenia 3.0T, the first-ever digital broadband MR scanner. This revolutionary system delivers superb image resolution, fast exams, and a more open patient experience you can feel good about.
It’s fast. Our Ingenia 3.0T can scan patients of varying size, age, and medical condition in less time than previous MR systems on the market. Routine exams of the brain, spine, knee, ankle, and liver are quick and easy. And even more complex scans may only last 15 to 40 minutes.
It’s comfortable. Our revolutionary new Philips Ingenia 3.0T has a wide-bore opening to make you feel less confined. In fact, most scans can be done with your head completely out of the system.
It’s accurate. The Philips Ingenia 3.0T delivers the revealing images your doctor needs to help diagnose your medical condition correctly.
This makes it easier for your doctor to identify and pinpoint any potential problems and helps reduce the number of repeat exams.
The right choice for imaging. Philips Ingenia 3.0T is one more reason to ask your doctor about scheduling your next diagnostic imaging exam at Samaritan Medical Center . To learn more about our wide range of diagnostic and imaging services, click here.
Is there any risk?
MRIs use no harmful radiation and there are no known health side effects. MRI studies are very low-risk procedures for most patients.
Can anyone get an MRI?
An MRI isn’t for everyone. Be sure to inform your physician if you have a pacemaker, aneurysm clips in the brain, a shunt with telesensor, inner ear implants, metal fragments in one or both eyes, implanted spinal cord stimulators, or if you’re pregnant or breast feeding.
How do I prepare for an MRI exam?
For many MRI exams, no special preparation is needed. For some, you may need to fast for 4-12 hours prior to the exam. Others require you to swallow a fluid, or to have an injection, that helps show what’s going on inside your body. Guidelines vary with the specific exam and also with the facility. You will be asked to remove all metal (earrings, watches, bobby pins, etc.) and credit cards. You may be asked to wear a gown during the exam or wear loose-fitting clothing with no metal fasteners, zippers, or buttons.
How long will the exam take?
With our advanced Philips Ingenia 3.0T, we can perform routine exams of the brain, spine, knee, ankle, and liver quickly and easily. More complex vascular, cardiac, and musculoskeletal studies can last from 20 to 40 minutes. You should allow extra time in case the exam lasts longer than expected.
Why is Samaritan Medical Center the right choice for an MRI?
At Samaritan Medical Center , we have recently added the Philips Ingenia 3.0T MR system to ensure our doctors and staff have access to the best imaging equipment available and to help deliver the best experience possible to our patients.
The Philips Ingenia 3.0T delivers superb image quality, fast exams, and a more open experience that you can feel good about. In fact, most scans can be performed with your head entirely out of the opening. You’ll probably be very comfortable as you lie on the padded table.
Does the scanner make a lot of noise?
The magnet makes a slight rapping sound as images are being taken. In between scans the machine is quiet. Your MRI technologist will provide you with hearing protection, but you can still hear the technologist if he or she speaks to you during the exam.
Will I have to hold still the whole time?
We’ll get the highest quality results if you hold still during the exam. The technologists will guide you and let you know when you can move between scans.
Will I be alone?
You’ll be in contact with one of our technologists at all times. Even when he or she is not in the MRI room, you will be able to talk to him or her by intercom. In some cases a family member is welcome to stay in the room with you during your scan.
How do I schedule an MRI at Samaritan Medical Center?
In most cases, your doctor can do that for you. Physicians ordering an MRI for their patients, or patients with a doctor’s order, can schedule an appointment by calling 315-779-5200.
The Susan Peters Nursing Scholarship
The Susan Peters Nursing Scholarship
The Susan Peters Nursing Scholarship was established to assist with the education costs for a Registered Nurse (RN) who is continuing their education, and specifically pursuing a Nurse Practitioner degree. The scholarship will award two (2) scholarships in the amount of $2,000 each year.
Mrs. Peters, who sadly passed away in March 2020, set up this scholarship because she wanted to make an impact on the future of nursing in our community while promoting the Nurse Practitioner profession. She was a 1965 graduate of the House of the Good Samaritan (HGS) Nursing School and spent over 20 years as a Nurse Manager in various areas, including Med/Surg and Orthopedics. She retired in 1999 as a Radiation Oncology Nurse.
Please click below to download an application. You may contact the Samaritan Foundation at 315-785-5745 with any questions.
Pictured above with Susan Peters, seated left, are Shellie Green, standing, and Erin Phinney, seated right, the first recipients of the Susan Peters Nursing Scholarship, established in 2018.
CT Earns IAC Accreditation
Star Lake, New York —– Approximately one in 10 Americans undergoes a Computed Tomography (CT) scan each year in order to detect abnormalities, injuries or diseases. A highly regarded diagnostic imaging tool due to its ability to detect minute differences in tissue as well as its multiplanar reformatted imaging capabilities, CT is used to diagnose conditions of the neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, extremities, cardiac and vascular system and sinus and temporal bones.
There are many factors that contribute to an accurate diagnosis based on CT imaging. The training and experience of both the operator performing the procedure and the interpreting physician, the type of CT equipment used, adherence to radiation dose guidelines and the quality assessment metrics each facility is required to measure, all contribute to a positive patient outcome. IAC accreditation is a “seal of approval” that patients can rely on as an indicator of consistent quality care and a dedication to continuous improvement.
Clifton-Fine Hospital located in Star Lake, NY has been granted a three-year term of accreditation by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) in CT in the areas of Body CT and Neurological CT.
Accreditation by IAC indicates that Clifton-Fine Hospital has undergone an intensive application and review process and is found to be in compliance with the published Standards, thus demonstrating a commitment to quality patient care in CT. Comprised of a detailed self-evaluation followed by a thorough review by a panel of medical experts, the IAC accreditation process enables both the critical operational and technical components of the applicant facility to be assessed, including representative case studies and their corresponding final reports.
About IAC
IAC provides accreditation programs for vascular testing, echocardiography, nuclear/PET, MRI, diagnostic CT, dental CT, carotid stenting, vein treatment and management and cardiac electrophysiology. The IAC programs for accreditation are dedicated to ensuring quality patient care and promoting health care and all support one common mission: Improving health care through accreditation®. IAC accreditation is widely respected within the medical community, as illustrated by the support of the national medical societies related to CT, which include physicians, technologists and physicists. To date, the IAC accrediting divisions have granted accreditation to more than 14,000 sites throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.
SMC on Diversion
July 5, 2017
PLEASE NOTE: Samaritan Medical Center is on ambulance diversion. This by no means indicates that we are closed – WE ARE ACCEPTING PATIENTS. Diversion is simply a request for ambulance services to consider transporting patients to another hospital, if the patient agrees, and if that is an option for the patient. Unstable (critical) patients who cannot safely make it to another facility will still come here, and we are still accepting walk-in patients, though they may experience an unusually long wait depending on the acuity of their condition. It is important to note that expectant mothers and patients seeking behavioral health are not affected.
July 7, 2017 UPDATE: SMC is no longer on ambulance diversion.