Samaritan Holiday Closures and Hours

With the holidays upon us, we want to make our community aware of special hours of operation and closures for many of our clinics and services. Happy Holidays!

Holiday Hours & Closures
The Samaritan clinics and the Resource Line will be closed on December 24th and December 31st.

The Drive-Up Testing Site will be closed on Christmas Day (12/25) and New Year’s Day (1/1/22)

Main Hospital Registration:
December 24th open 8:00am – 4:30pm (no scheduled services)
December 25th – closed
December 31st open 8:00am – 4:30pm (no scheduled services)
January 1st open 8:00am – 4:30pm

Walk-In Lab/X-Ray at Samaritan Health and Wellness Plaza (Watertown):
December 24th & 25th – closed
December 31st & January 1st – closed

Lab/X-Ray at the Adams Family Health Center:
December 24 – closed
December 27 – closed
December 29 – closed
December 31 – closed

‘Merry and Bright’ Year for the 19th Annual North Country Festival of Trees Event

The 19th annual North Country Festival of Trees was held from November 26th – December 4th 2021, benefitting the Samaritan Medical Center Foundation and Watertown Family YMCA.

This year’s theme was “Merry and Bright” and it was held at the Former Bon-Ton at the Salmon Run Mall.  There were 74 beautifully decorated trees and an incredible Live Show Case event held on Channel 7. The tree auction raised over $48,000 for the two organizations. Upwards of 1,000 people attended the public viewing. We were not able to host our Sugar Plum Ball or Gala this year but we are hopeful to have it back again next year.  Below is a list of award-winning trees. Thank you to everyone who supported this year’s Festival!


Best Use of Festival Theme

  • “It’s a Wonderful Life” – Sponsored by A.T. Matthews & Dier, Decorated by Nancy Storino, Lisa Ruggiero & Beth Arthur
  • “Merry and Bright” – Sponsored by Complete Family Care & Laser Center, Decorated by Donna Trumbo

Most Traditional

  • “Peace, Love, Joy and Be Merry” – Sponsored by SBS Rentals.  Decorated by Watertown Lions Club
  • “Cozy Country Christmas” – Sponsored by The Kellie and Joseph Sanzone Family Living Trust.  Decorated by Alisha Lafex, Mariah McNeely & Kimberly Rizzo

Most Elegant

  • “Girls Night Out” – Sponsored by The Heather Freeman Foundation.  Decorated by Karla Stefanini & Karen Nevills
  • “Sisterly Love” – Sponsored by The Paddock Club.  Decorated by Kathy Dyer, Chris Rickett & Michelle Leo

Most Innovative

  • “Furry and Bright” – Sponsored by The Animal Doctors.  Decorated by Julia & Lola Stoddart, Lynn & Danel Godek
  • “Adventure Awaits in NYS” – Sponsored by Carthage Savings & Loan Association.  Decorated by Carthage Savings & Loan Association

Judge’s Choice

  • “Holidaisy” – Sponsored by BCA Architects & Engineers.  Decorated by Karla Stefanini & Karen Nevills
  • “Merry and Bright” – Sponsored by Knowles Family.  Decorated by Lisa O’Driscoll & Liz Culbertson

Jim Henry Most Whimsical

  • “Operation Yellow Ribbon” – Sponsored by Colello Air Technologies.  Decorated by Tillie Youngs, Judy Gentner, Ashley Shepherd, Nancy Datoush, Alisson Gorham & Marry Corriveau
  • “Love the Lake” – Sponsored by Cheney Tire.  Decorated by Brenda Sipher

People’s Choice

  • “Holidaisy” – Sponsored by BCA Architects & Engineers.  Decorated by Karla Stefanini & Karen Nevills
  • “Donate Life in Loving Memory of Tyler R. Christman” – Donated by Christman Fuel Service.  Decorated by Faith Parks & Lillian Buck

    Honorable Mentions
  • “For the Love of Being Outdoors” – Sponsored by Slack Chemical Company.  Decorated by Shari Simmons
  • “Waltz of Angels” – Sponsored by Knowlton Technologies.  Decorated by Stacey Bristow
  • “No Peeking” – Sponsored by Northern Radiology.  Decorated by Jean Goodfriend, Kimberly Roberts & Cherie Schneckenburger
  • “Candy Can Christmas” – Sponsored by King & King Architects.  Decorated by Jeff Pawlowski, Rich Baldwin & Michelle Fuller
  • “ReJOYce! For he is Born” – Sponsored by North Country Family Health Center.  Decorated by Kevin Kitto.

Did you know that next year’s Festival of Trees theme will be “It’s a Wonderful Life”?  We can’t wait to see what our decorators will come up with next!

Samaritan Celebrates November 2021 DAISY and BEE Award Recipients

Samaritan Medical Center is pleased to announce its DAISY and BEE Award recipients for October 2021. The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses® recognizes exemplary nursing staff at the hospital and all outpatient clinics, and the BEE Award honors other outstanding staff members who support patient care.

Michelle Watson, RN, Maternity

Michelle Watson, RN, Maternity, received the DAISY Award and Candice Matthews, Central Scheduler, Infusion, was honored with the BEE Award. Both staff members were nominated by Samaritan colleagues.

Watson was chosen to receive the DAISY Award for her kind, compassionate and team-player attitude.

“Michelle is one of the most humble nurses I have worked with over my 30-year career,” her nomination letter reads. “She is a team player focused on her patients and doing what is in their best interest. She is a kind, compassionate and truly genuine person who would do anything to help one of her patients, their family members, or a co-worker.”

For receiving the DAISY Award – which is an international award backed by The DAISY Foundation – Michelle was presented a certificate commending her as an extraordinary nurse, a DAISY Award pin, and a symbolic sculpture called “A Healer’s Touch,” which is hand-carved by artists of the Shona Tribe in Zimbabwe. A larger version of this sculpture is on display in the Healing Gardens at Samaritan in honor of all DAISY and BEE Award winners. It was purchased using funds donated by the Samaritan Auxiliary.

Candice Matthews, Infusion Unit

Matthews received the BEE Award for her extra efforts to help with Samaritan’s monoclonal antibody clinic, which helps COVID-19 patients recover from the disease.

“Candice has been an integral part of handling things for the COVID-19 monoclonal antibody infusions,” her nomination letter reads. “She really has stepped up and done the job of a couple of people, and we would not be functioning in the monoclonal clinic without her. We can’t thank her enough for all of her hard work and support throughout COVID-19.”

Matthews was presented a certificate, a BEE Award pin, and a gift bag with other tokens of gratitude.

Both awards will continue to be presented throughout the year, and nominations can be submitted by patients, families, or colleagues at any time. To make a nomination, or to learn more about the DAISY and BEE Awards, visit

NYS Approved FREE Coronavirus Testing at Samaritan’s Drive-Up Location

WATERTOWN, NY – The New York State Department of Health has partnered with Jefferson County to open a free COVID-19 testing location, as the positivity rate remains high across the region. Samaritan will use its Drive-Up Testing Site, located at 1575 Washington Street in Watertown, to offer 100 free appointments per day. All appointments must be made online at:

Appointments will begin on Monday, December 6, 2021, and will initially be offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. The testing site will be closed Tuesdays and Sundays. This schedule is subject to change.

Free PCR COVID-19 testing will be prioritized on a first-come, first-served basis and any community member with an interest to be tested can be scheduled as long as supplies are available. Requests for testing must be done online at

Test results are available within three to seven days, as this is not rapid testing. However, PCR testing is the most accurate test available, and it is highly recommended that any person with COVID-19 symptoms have a PCR test done. Community members who provide a cell phone number and email will be notified of their negative results via text message and email message.  All positive results will be provided by public health.

The state partnership allows Samaritan access to a third-party laboratory service, BioReference, which will process the COVID-19 test specimens at no cost to patients or Samaritan. The state will provide additional testing supplies and test kits to Samaritan, and Samaritan will provide the staff needed to collect the specimens. The Drive-Up Testing Site has been in operation continuously to provide tests to surgical patients and patients with symptoms.

“Samaritan is pleased that the NYS Department of Health listened to our concerns about a lack of free and accessible testing in our region,” said M. Andrew Short, vice president and Chief Operating Officer of Samaritan. “This is a major benefit for our community and Samaritan is proud to be part of the solution and supplying this testing service to the community.”

Once patients arrive at the Drive-Up Testing site, signs will instruct them where to go, to keep car windows closed as they enter the garage bay, and to hold identification up to the window so intake staff can validate name and date of birth during appointment check-in. This is a fully drive-up process, meaning patients will never leave their vehicle. This site is not for walk-in traffic.

Samaritan’s Drive-Up Testing Site was a NYS free testing location once before, from July 2020 through July 2021.

Samaritan Health Reaches Wage Agreement with New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA)

Samaritan facade visual

New wage structure addresses changes in North Country market

Watertown, N.Y. – Samaritan Health has reached an agreement with the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) to raise wages for its unionized registered nurses (RNs) significantly, by 14%, in light of current market conditions. As a result of this agreement, Samaritan has increased its starting RN wage from $30.41 to $34.67 an hour. The average full-time Samaritan RN earns approximately $82,500 per year.

Samaritan completed a significant market-rate adjustment for its employees in August of this year that impacted many positions and led to adopting a new $15 per hour minimum wage rate for all entry-level positions. Approximately 1,200 staff received a pay increase at that time. RN wages did not increase in August due to Samaritan’s assessment that its wages remained market-competitive at that time. However, RNs did receive a 1% lump-sum payment for their continued dedicated work.

Local and regional market RN wages have increased dramatically since August, and we recognized our nursing staff wages needed to be adjusted. As Samaritan completed its analysis, it was presented with a proposal from NYSNA that was consistent with our analysis and was accepted. The agreement was ratified by a vote of RNs on Monday, November 22, will be retroactive to August 1, 2021 and impacts 408 RNs at the Medical Center.

Samaritan is pleased that this pay change for our dedicated nurses will ensure its RNs are paid rates well within the competitive range for our region.

As the nationwide shortage of registered nurses continues to impact hospital systems throughout the country, this increase will supplement Samaritan’s continued efforts to recruit and retain nurses. We strive to hire and retain the highest-quality nurses through strong wage offers, a comprehensive benefits package, and sign-on bonuses.

Samaritan Medical Center Awarded Re-Accreditation from The Joint Commission

Watertown, NY – Samaritan Medical Center has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for the Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals by demonstrating continuous compliance with its patient safety standards. The Gold Seal is a symbol of quality that reflects a health care organization’s commitment to providing safe and quality patient care.

The Samaritan Medical Center and clinics underwent a rigorous, unannounced on-site review from June 15 through June 18, 2021. During the visit, the team of Joint Commission surveyors evaluated compliance with all 18 chapters of the Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals. These include multiple standards and elements of performance. Some of these chapters include emergency management, information management, infection prevention and control, provision of care, treatment and services, medication management, life safety, and environment of care.

Additionally, our organization met all standards related to sterile medication compounding, high-level disinfection, and dialysis care, which were high focus areas for The Joint Commission.

“We’re very proud to have achieved re-accreditation from The Joint Commission – a voluntary, rigorous process that ensures our facility measures up to the highest standards in quality and patient care,” said Mario Victoria, M.D, chief medical officer at Samaritan Medical Center. “We’re especially grateful to our dedicated staff. This last year-and-a-half has strained health care systems across the U.S. more than ever. Despite facing unprecedented challenges, our staff and leadership team have demonstrated a remarkable commitment to our patients and delivering the best care possible.”

The Joint Commission’s standards are developed in consultation with health care experts and providers, measurement experts and patients. They are informed by scientific literature and expert consensus to help health care organizations measure, assess, and improve performance. The surveyors also conducted on-site observations and interviews.

“As a private accreditor, The Joint Commission surveys health care organizations to protect the public by identifying deficiencies in care and working with those organizations to correct them as quickly and sustainably as possible,” says Mark Pelletier, RN, MS, chief operating officer, Accreditation and Certification Operations, and chief nursing executive, The Joint Commission. “We commend Samaritan Medical Center for its continuous quality improvement efforts in patient safety and quality of care.”

An independent, nonprofit organization, The Joint Commission is the nation’s oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in health care. For more information, visit

A North Country Festival of Trees Kicks Off the Holiday Season in Northern New York

Illustrative image: shows a lit up Christmas tree with a toy truck.

In-person viewing, online auction are open from Friday, November 26th to December 4th

Watertown, NY – A North Country Festival of Trees will once again kick off the holiday season in the North Country, offering an online tree auction and in-person tree viewing from November 26th – December 4th at the former Bon-Ton, Salmon Run Mall, 21073 Salmon Run Mall Loop. All trees on display are hand-decorated by community members and can be bid on for individual purchase or donation.

We are so appreciative of our generous sponsors, decorators and committee who have made this event a reality in such a challenging year. “Merry and Bright” is this year’s theme, and everyone – young and old – is sure to enjoy this magical holiday event.

A North Country Festival of Trees benefits healthcare services and programs at Samaritan Medical Center and children’s scholarships at the Watertown Family YMCA. The nine-day festival schedule is as follows:

Public Viewing: Trees will be on display for FREE public viewing at the former Bon-Ton from Friday, November 26 until Saturday, December 4. The public (in-person) viewing schedule is as follows:

  • 11/26: 11am – 5pm
  • 11/27: 11am – 5pm
  • 11/28: 11am – 5pm
  • 11/29: 12am – 7pm
  • 12/30: 12pm – 7pm
  • 12/1: 12am – 7pm
  • 12/2: 12pm – 7pm
  • 12/3: 12am – 5pm
  • 12/4: 10am – 2pm

Please Note: All best practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (including face masks, hand sanitizing, and social distancing) will be followed during public viewings.

Online Tree Auction: From November 26th to December 4th, all trees will be up for bid on our online tree auction site –

Live Tree Showcase and Auction: No matter where you live, you can participate in the magic of the Festival by tuning into our Live Tree Showcase and Auction from 7:00pm – 8:00PM on Friday, December 3rd. Join us on WNYF Fox 28 or online at for holiday entertainment and a live auction of 10 featured trees.

Festival of Trees Dinner Packages: Dinner packages are available and can be ordered for delivery in time for the Live Tree Showcase and Auction on Friday, December 3rd. Our dinner partners this year are Garland City Beer Works, 1025 Ruyi Japanese Steakhouse and Charcuterie Boards by Lisa Sampson. To order your package or see more information, visit or call 315-785-4584.

For more details of the event, go to or call 315-785-4584.

21st Annual Children’s Miracle Network Radiothon Raises $140K

Proceeds from three-day fundraiser, hosted by The Border 106.7 and 94Rock, to benefit local kids

Watertown, NY – The 21st annual Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Radiothon was held November 3-5, 2021 and raised $140,563 to help kids in the North Country.

The Border 106.7 DJ Johnny Spezzano, left, and 94Rock DJ Lance Hale, right, present a check to Bonnie Eppolito of the Samaritan Medical Center Foundation for the 2021 Children’s Miracle Network Radiothon.

The event was hosted by DJs Johnny Spezzano from the Border 106.7 and Lance Hale from 94Rock. Stories of inspirational local kids were shared live on air for three consecutive days from 6:00 am – 6:00 pm, and the North Country showed its generosity by calling in with donations!

“Each year, we are simply overwhelmed by the generosity of our community,” said Bonnie Eppolito of the Samaritan Medical Center Foundation, “We are truly thankful to our community for opening their hearts.”

“We have been proud to host this event for the past 21 years and assist the Children’s Miracle Network” said Jim Leven, President of Community Broadcasters. “Johnny, Lance and the entire Community Broadcasters team, with its advertisers, give their all to help, and we are happy to assist in raising an incredible amount of needed funds for the program.”

All funds raised for Children’s Miracle Network stay local. Funds are used to purchase the most advanced life-saving medical equipment needed to care for children at Samaritan Medical Center and also to support capital projects, like the Car-Freshner Center for Women and Children. Additionally, CMN of Northern New York offers a direct family assistance program to families in Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties who have a child facing a medical crisis.

For more information on Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, contact the Samaritan Medical Center Foundation at 315-785-5785 or

Samaritan Celebrates October 2021 DAISY and BEE Award Recipients

Samaritan Medical Center is pleased to announce its DAISY and BEE Award recipients for October 2021. The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses® recognizes exemplary nursing staff at the hospital and all outpatient clinics, and the BEE Award honors other outstanding staff members who support patient care.

Matthew Them, RN, Labor and Delivery

Matthew Them, an RN in the Car-Freshner Center for Women and Children, received the DAISY Award and Heather Delaney, Interventional Radiology Unit Clerk, was honored with the BEE Award. Matthew was nominated by a grateful patient, and Heather was nominated by a Samaritan colleague.

Matthew was chosen to receive the DAISY Award for the exceptional, compassionate care he provided a patient in labor with COVID-19 and her family.

“My wife and I came to Samaritan to give birth to our second child,” the nomination reads. “My wife tested positive for COVID-19 almost a week prior, so she had been really anxious about that and how our time at the hospital would be. Matt Them was one of the nurses assigned to our COVID-19 delivery room…he made our time there the greatest, most pleasant hospital visit my wife and I have ever had. He was so knowledgeable and caring in regards to his job. Huge shout-out to Matt, great job!”

For receiving the DAISY Award – which is an international award backed by The DAISY Foundation – Matthew was presented a certificate commending him as an extraordinary nurse, a DAISY Award pin, and a symbolic sculpture called “A Healer’s Touch,” which is hand-carved by artists of the Shona Tribe in Zimbabwe. A larger version of this sculpture is on display in the Healing Gardens at Samaritan in honor of all DAISY and BEE Award winners. It was purchased using funds donated by the Samaritan Auxiliary.

Heather Delaney, Unit Clerk

Heather received the BEE Award for her reliability and unparalleled organizational skills, which keep her department operating smoothly.

“Heather is the solid backbone of Interventional Radiology,” her nomination reads. “She is the ‘go-to’ person for every staff member within and even outside our department. She is meticulous in organization, prioritization, time management and maintaining a clean working environment. Thank you so very much for all you do, Heather, it is greatly appreciated and highly respected by all!”

Heather was presented a certificate, a BEE Award pin, and a gift bag with other tokens of gratitude.

Both awards will continue to be presented throughout the year, and nominations can be submitted by patients, families, or colleagues at any time. To make a nomination, or to learn more about the DAISY and BEE Awards, visit

Local OB/GYN Medical Professionals Recommend COVID-19 Vaccine for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

Statement Echoes National Obstetric Associations’ Assertion that the Vaccine is Safe & Effective

Note: This press release was originally published by the Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization.

WATERTOWN, NY — Today, Samaritan Medical Center and the Fort Drum OB/GYN clinic jointly voiced their recommendation that individuals across all reproductive stages—including those who would like to get pregnant, are currently pregnant, or are breastfeeding—get the COVID-19 vaccination to help protect themselves and their loved ones.

Dr. John P. Barrett, MD, an Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Samaritan Medical Center, has this message: “As an OB/GYN in our community, I know that you, like many women, may be fearful of the unknown and about introducing the vaccine into your body while you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding. I feel compelled to step forward to reassure you that the COVID-19 vaccination is safe and highly recommended to help prevent you, your baby, and others around you from getting this virus.”

The Fort Drum OB/GYN Department echoes Dr. Barrett’s comments, stating: “Our department supports the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG), the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM), the American College of Nurse-Midwives, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, and the Center for Disease Control recommendation that pregnant and breastfeeding women receive the COVID-19 vaccination to help prevent severe illness and death.”

“The data from ongoing studies show there is no increased risk to the mother or the fetus from the vaccine. We know that the vaccine is extremely effective in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and maternal death. We also know that the current variants of the COVID-19 virus are more harmful to the pregnant woman and her unborn infant. We have seen severe illness in our local pregnant population and across the Army in seemingly healthy women.”

“We understand the difficult decision that new mothers must make regarding whether to vaccinate in this unprecedented pandemic. A lot of conflicting information can make the decision to vaccinate even more difficult. We urge the patients we serve to discuss your concerns and questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and the virus with our clinic providers who can provide you with the most up-to-date information.”

Dr. Barrett goes on to state that the statements issued by at least twenty-seven national obstetric, gynecologic, and other healthcare associations in support of the COVID-19 vaccination across the reproductive cycle “reflects evidence demonstrating the safe use of the COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy from tens of thousands of reporting individuals over the last several months.”

“Data has shown that getting the COVID-19 virus puts pregnant women and their newborns at increased risk of severe complications and even death,” cautioned Dr. Barrett. “Pregnant women who have decided to wait until after delivery to be vaccinated may be inadvertently exposing themselves and their babies to an increased risk of severe illness or death.”

Dr. Barrett concludes by stating: “As an OB/GYN provider, I have witnessed first-hand pregnant patients giving birth while fighting COVID-19. As their doctor, it is scary and worrisome. I recognize that getting the vaccine IS an individual choice, and I firmly believe that choosing to get vaccinated is in your best interests and the best interests of your baby. Given the known safety of the vaccine, as well as the increased risk of severe complications from COVID-19 during pregnancy, the worst being death, I wholeheartedly echo ACOG, SMFH, and others in enthusiastically recommending vaccination. Do it for yourself and your baby.”

Individuals who have questions about the COVID-19 vaccination and their reproductive health are urged to speak with their OB/GYN provider. Furthermore, Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization, in partnership with local healthcare providers, is now offering a webform service called “Ask a Doc,” in which individuals may submit their question(s) about the COVID-19 vaccine using a simple online form. The questions are not limited to those regarding reproductive health or pregnancy. Local medical professionals will call individuals within 1-2 business days to answer their question(s). Click HERE to view the form and submit your questions.

For more information about where to get the COVID-19 vaccine, contact your local public health agency or visit

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