Breastfeeding Basics & Caring for New Families 2024 Schedule

Date: Saturday February 17, 2024
Starts at: 9:00 am
Ends at: 12:00 pm
Location: Samaritan Car-Freshner Center for Women and Children Education Room - Washington Street 830, Watertown, NY

Breastfeeding Basics

The classes will be back in person in 2024. Everyone needs help and support as a new breastfeeding parent. Learn about breastfeeding before your baby is born. The class is taught by a Registered Nurse and Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

Caring for New Families

You’ve been waiting for this day for months! Now you finally get to meet your new baby. Learn how to take care of yourself and your growing family. the class is taught by a Registered Nurse and Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

For more information, you can reach Samaritan Car-Freshner Center for Women and Children at (315) 785-4050.

To register please visit

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