SMC Hosts Drug Take-Back Event

Published on: May 28, 2019

Samaritan Medical Center (SMC) is hosting a community “Shed the Meds” Drug Take-Back event on Tuesday, June 4th. While prescription drugs are a necessity for people, many homes have medicine cabinets full of prescriptions that are expired or no longer used. They can be a danger to people – especially children – and the environment, if they are not properly disposed. Samaritan is pleased to offer an event that helps remove these drugs from the home environment.

Medical Center staff from the Pharmacy and Jefferson County Sheriff’s deputies will be collecting old or unused medications to ensure they are appropriately disposed.
The event is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. in the SMC main lobby.

Community members can also bring in their used or unused sharps for disposal since we offer this service year-round. Please remember to bring all sharps in a safe container.

The event is free and open to the public.

In April 2019, there were several national drug take events across the country resulting in:
• total law enforcement participation: 4,969
• total collection sites: 6,258
• total weight collected: 937,443 lbs. (468.72 tons)

For specific questions about the event please contact the SMC Pharmacy at 315-785-4248.

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