Samaritan President and CEO Thomas Carman Appointed to HANYS Executive Committee

Published on: February 15, 2020

Congratulations to Tom Carman, Samaritan President and CEO, for his recent appointment to the Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS) Executive Committee for 2020.

Tom has been on the HANYS board for several years now, advocating for all of northern New York’s healthcare systems.

HANYS’ primary goal is to work to ensure every New Yorker has access to affordable, high-quality care. From medicaid funding and opioid abuse reduction to cyber-security, emergency preparedness and healthcare payment reform, these are just some of the critical healthcare priorities HANYS addresses.

HANYS advocates in Albany and Washington on behalf of its members (like Samaritan) and the healthcare needs of New Yorkers. They engage with policymakers, agencies, community partners, the media and more, while collaborating frequently with regional, state and national associations. They also provide education, data analysis, quality improvement initiatives and operational assistance to our members and partners.

Samaritan benefits greatly from our partnership with HANYS in education, strong partnerships and advocacy.

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