North Country Vaccine Point of Dispensing (POD) Update: Week of February 1, 2021

Published on: February 2, 2021

The Joint COVID-19 Vaccine Point of Dispensing (POD) Clinic at Jefferson Community College will not be able to offer any new appointments for the public this week due to a lack of available vaccine. The limited amount of vaccine received by partnering agencies will be pooled together to vaccinate second dose and pre-planned appointments at JCC.

The partners hope to have more vaccine allocated next week to allow the POD to open up to the community for first dose appointments. Once this happens, a public webpage and phone number for making appointments will be announced. Partners will not know how much vaccine they will receive until Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Please do not call Jefferson Community College or the partners, since they will not be able to make appointments on your behalf. We will provide more information once it is available. Please continue to check the Jefferson County Public Health Service’s website, Info, for updates as they become available.

We appreciate our community’s interest in wanting to be vaccinated, but as we know, supply is very limited. Please continue to be patient with us as we diligently try to vaccinate as many eligible community members as possible.

Please click here to see the initial press release on the North Country Vaccine POD.

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