Hope Grows Here event slated for Samaritan Cancer Services patients
Published on: August 29, 2022
Watertown, NY – Samaritan Cancer Services through the Walker Center for Cancer Care and Women’s Wellness are hosting an event for cancer patients and their caregivers.
The special celebration of hope will take place on Saturday, September 17, from 1-4 p.m. at the Walker Center for Cancer Care located at 830 Washington Street. Patients should use the Woodruff St entrance directly near the Walker Center entrance.
Director of Walker Center for Cancer Care, Eva M. Edwards, said, “Hope Grows Here is a time for patients, their personal caregivers, and our professional caregivers, to enjoy a relaxing day outside the walls of our facility, and focus on emotional well-being.” She added, “It is the first year we are offering this experience, and we are hopeful our patients and their caregivers find it therapeutic.”
The event features artistic activities, live music, light refreshments, and physician sentiments.
The event is free but RSVP is required for Samaritan Cancer Services patients and their caregivers, and is available online at: https://samaritanhealth.com/upcoming-event/hope-grows-here/
The event will take place rain or shine.