Community Information: Watertown Health and Wellness Plaza Update

Published on: December 26, 2024

Friday, December 27, 2024, Watertown Health and Wellness Plaza Update

The water main break has been resolved and the Health and Wellness Plaza is open today for business as usual. Thank you

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Today, Thursday, December 26, 2024, all in-person appointments at Samaritan’s Health and Wellness Plaza on outer Washington Street will be adjusted to telehealth, rescheduled, or adjusted to another location, due to a water main break. Patients with appointments will be contacted to be adjusted to another location, to telehealth, or to be rescheduled.

This includes appointments at the Watertown Family Health Center, outpatient mental health/addiction services, SMART Clinic, Women’s Wellness and Breast Care, imaging at the plaza including mammography, ultrasound, and more. Also included in this disruption are the walk-in lab and X-ray services at that location. Those who need walk-in lab and X-ray services in Watertown may visit the Medical Center or our Coffeen Street location. Our goal is to reopen all in-person services at the Health and Wellness Plaza on Friday, December 27, 2024, or once the issue is resolved. Thank you.

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