24th Annual CMN Radiothon Raises Funds for Local Children

Published on: November 8, 2024

Watertown, NY — The 24th Annual Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Radiothon raised $134,800 during this year’s three-day event, hosted by Community Broadcasters stations The Border 106.7 and 94 Rock.

All donations made to CMN stay local to purchase pediatric medical equipment and support child-centered projects at Samaritan Medical Center, and also to provide financial assistance to families in Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties who have a child facing a medical crisis.

During the annual event, radio DJs Johnny Spezzano and Lance Hale ask listeners to donate to help sick and injured children. “The generous response from the North Country is inspirational. Johnny Spezzano is unmatched, and I am proud of him and Lance Hale for their dedication and hard work on behalf of CMN,” Jim Leven, president of Community Broadcasters, said. “To everyone who tuned in and supported our efforts and, most importantly, supported local kids during the 24th Radiothon, thank you.”

CMN is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of children across the North Country. “It’s incredible what our community can do when we come together for children,” said Angie VanWormer, Children’s Miracle Network director, Samaritan Medical Center. “With the help of all who donate and support CMN, we are changing kids’ health and the future.”

For more information about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, contact Samaritan Medical Center at 315-785-4053 or [email protected].

Radiothon check presentation to Children's Miracle Network. The photo shows Jhonny Spezanno, from the Border radio station, Angie VanWormer, CMN of NNY director, and Lance, from 94 Rock radio station, holding the $134,800 check from the 2024 Radiothon campaing.


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