Watertown, NY – On January 31, nine residents entered the Samaritan Keep Home, their new residence, for the first time. A reception team greeted the incoming residents, and their former caretakers from Clifton-Fine Hospital in Star Lake were on hand to ensure a safe and meaningful transition.
“This was a historic moment for our team of caregivers,” Patrick Calli, vice president of long-term care at Samaritan, said. “We know there may be mixed emotions, but we are thrilled they are here and hope they become familiar with their new home, our services, activities, and our staff.”
The nine skilled nursing residents resided at Clifton-Fine Hospital as patients at the critical access hospital, with special permissions allowing the critical access to have long term care residents. With the hospital seeking a new Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) designation, they needed to find a new home for the patients. The new designation does not allow inpatients, swing beds, or long term care services. Clifton-Fine’s partner, Samaritan Medical Center, identified space in its high-rise facility for the residents who need continued quality care in the North Country. This space allows the cohort of residents to remain together while engaging with their new neighbors, many of whom have called the Samaritan Keep Home their home for several years.
“We know that Samaritan Keep Home caregivers will provide high quality, personalized care for our inpatients who are making their new home in Watertown,” said Dierdra Sorrell, chief executive officer of Clifton-Fine Hospital. “We cannot thank the Samaritan team enough for doing this and easing the burden for families and our community during this transition.”
For the Star Lake community, the REH designation will bring expanded outpatient services while continuing emergency care necessary for the safety and well-being of residents and visitors of the Adirondack Mountains.
